@extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') {{$project->title}} @endsection @push('theme-script') @endpush @php $logo_path = \App\Models\Utility::get_file('/'); $result = json_decode($project->copylinksetting); $password = base64_decode($project->password); @endphp @section('action-button') @endsection @section('content')
{{__('Likes name, description and dates.')}}
{{__('Likes budget, hours and currency.')}}
{{__('System will consider last stage as a completed / done task for get progress on project.')}}
{{__('Change Email Notification.')}}
{{__('Shared Project Settings.')}}
{{__('Name')}} | {{__('On/Off')}} |
{{ $EmailTemplate->name }} |
is_active) && $template->is_active == 1) checked="checked" @endif />
{{__('Name')}} | {{__('On/Off')}} |
{{ __('Basic details')}} |
basic_details) && $result->basic_details == 'on') checked="checked" @endif id="copy_link_1" value="on">
{{ __('Member')}} |
member) && $result->member == 'on') checked="checked" @endif id="copy_link_2" value="on">
{{ __('Milestone')}} |
milestone) && $result->milestone == 'on') checked="checked" @endif id="copy_link_3" value="on">
{{ __('Activity')}} |
activity) && $result->activity == 'on') checked="checked" @endif id="copy_link_4" value="on">
{{ __('Attachment')}} |
attachment) && $result->attachment == 'on') checked="checked" @endif id="copy_link_5" value="on">
{{ __('Task')}} |
task) && $result->task == 'on') checked="checked" @endif value="on">
{{ __('Tracker details')}} |
tracker_details) && $result->tracker_details == 'on') checked="checked" @endif id="copy_link_8" value="on">
{{ __('Timesheet')}} |
timesheet) && $result->timesheet == 'on') checked="checked" @endif id="copy_link_9" value="on">
{{ __('Password Protected')}} |
password_protected) && $result->password_protected == 'on') checked="checked" @endif value="on">