@extends('layouts.admin') @include('Chatify::layouts.headLinks') @section('title') {{__('Messenger')}} @endsection @php // $color = Cookie::get('theme_color'); $profile=\App\Models\Utility::get_file('/'.config('chatify.user_avatar.folder')); $setting = App\Models\Utility::colorset(); $pusher = App\Models\Utility::settings(); $color = (!empty($setting['color'])) ? $setting['color'] : '#6fd943'; if (!isset($color)) { $color = '#6fd943'; } @endphp @section('content')
{{-- ----------------------Users/Groups lists side---------------------- --}}
{{-- Header and search bar --}} {{-- tabs and lists --}}
{{-- Lists [Users/Group] --}} {{-- ---------------- [ User Tab ] ---------------- --}}
{{-- Favorites --}}


{{-- Saved Messages --}} {!! view('Chatify::layouts.listItem', ['get' => 'saved']) !!} {{-- Contact --}}
{{-- ---------------- [ Group Tab ] ---------------- --}} {{--


{{__('Soon will be available')}}

{{-- ---------------- [ Search Tab ] ---------------- --}}
{{-- items --}}


Type to search..

{{-- ----------------------Messaging side---------------------- --}}
{{-- header title [conversation name] amd buttons --}} {{-- Internet connection --}} {{-- @if(isset($pusher->pusher_app_key)) --}}
{{__('Connected')}} {{__('Connecting...')}} {{__('Please add pusher settings for using messenger.')}}
{{-- @endif --}} {{-- Messaging area --}}

Please select a chat to start messaging

{{-- Typing indicator --}}

{{-- Send Message Form --}} @include('Chatify::layouts.sendForm')
{{-- ---------------------- Info side ---------------------- --}}
{{-- nav actions --}} {!! view('Chatify::layouts.info')->render() !!}
@endsection @push('script') @include('Chatify::layouts.modals') @include('Chatify::layouts.footerLinks') @endpush